These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.0.1.
  1. Take the steps described in Integrate DevMateKit if you haven't done it yet.
  2. You can specify additional DMFrameworkSettings properties if needed. DevMate Feedback provides the following configuration options:
IsBetaboolSpecifies whether a current version of the application is Beta.
ApplicationSettingsDictionary<string,string>Application settings that must be sent with feedback data.
AdditionalInfromationstringAdditional information that must be sent with feedback data.
ApplicationIconstringSets a “TitleBar” icon for DevMate Framework windows. Must contain at least one 16x16pt icon. Example: pack://application:,,,/TestApp;component/icon.ico.
LogFilePathstringPath to a log file (if there is a number of log files, it sends only the recently used). If a value is null or empty, or file does not exist, then the Framework tries to load a file from the Logs property.
LogsstringUsed to set up specific logs if a LogFilePath value is null or empty. If a Logs value is null or empty, an empty string is sent to the server.

For example:

DMFeedbackFrameworkSettings.ApplicationSettings.Add("Setting1", "Value1");
DMFeedbackFrameworkSettings.ApplicationSettings.Add("Language", "en");
DMFeedbackFrameworkSettings.ApplicationSettings.Add("AppRunCount", 0);
DMFeedbackFrameworkSettings.ApplicationSettings.Add("Setting2", "Value2"); 

DMFeedbackFrameworkSettings.LogFilePath = @"C:\Program Files\AppName\Logs\logfile.log"; 
DMFeedbackFrameworkSettings.AdditionalInformation = "Version with hidden feature”;

To open the Feedback window, use the following code snippet:

DMFeedbackWindowController.BigIconSource = "pack://application:,,,/Images/icon.png"; 

The ShowDialog method has the following overloads:

// Default - will run Feedback Windows with "Feedback" in ComboBox 

// Runs Feedback Windows with "Bug Report" in ComboBox 

// Runs Feedback Windows with "Support Request" in ComboBox