These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.0.1.

FastSpring is a leading e-commerce platform, and DevMate partners` with FastSpring to provide account integration for the best software distribution experience.

If you don't have a FastSpring account yet but you are planning to sell your application, we strongly recommend to register on FastSpring. Please refer to FastSpring documentation to get help.

Integration allows to obtain from FastSpring all data about sales and refunds of your software. Based on this information you will get the detailed stats on sales and downloads and customer base. To connect your FastSpring and DevMate accounts do the following:

  1. Login to your Springboard
  2. Choose or create store in FastSpring
  3. Navigate to your store settings
  4. Choose 'Connect to DevMate' on the right panel on the store settings page

After successful integration you will see the option to use DevMate as a licensing back end for your FastSpring products and all required trackbacks will be set automatically. You can learn more how to match FastSpring products with DevMate ones.