These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v1.0.1.

You need to connect your DevMate and FastSpring accounts to start selling an application. As you are done with that, do the following.

  1. Log in to your Springboard
  2. Click on Products and Pages
  3. Select a product you'd like to connect to a DevMate one or create a new one by clicking on Create Product (in this case step 4 will be skipped)
  4. In General section click on Edit
  5. Select the DevMate product you'd like to match with under DevMate Product Match drop down and press Save (on the right)
  6. Now press Add on Fulfillment Actions
  7. Click on Generate a License and select DevMate in drop down list appeared and click Next
  8. Select License Option (that corresponds to the License Types in DevMate) and click Create.

You are ready to go, now you can generate a test license by clicking on Run Test.

You need to repeat the steps 6-8 for all license types you'd like to use.