We've added some examples on GitHub to help you with understanding on how DevMateKit works, so here is their description.
Test application that sends tracking report to DevMate. Change DM_CUSTOM_TRACKING_INTEGRATION
macro before building target to see the delegate methods in use.
Test application that sends feedback messages to the server. Change DM_CUSTOM_FEEDBACK_INTEGRATION
macro before building target to use customized window for feedback dialog.
Test application that sends crash and exception reports to the server. This target contains examples of using standard dialog (out-of-the-box) and customized window for the main dialog. Feel free to play with it.
Test application that checks for updates and updates itself if needs. The core of this feature is Sparkle, so if you want to customize UI, you need to fork DevMate Sparkle project and define USED_CUSTOM_SPARKLE_FRAMEWORK
macro before importing DevMateKit master header (#import <DevMateKit/DevMateKit.h>
Test application that starts a week trial if an app is not activated. Change DM_CUSTOM_TRIAL_INTEGRATION
macro before building target to use customized dialog window. Feel free to play with the delegate methods to check how it works.
Test application that starts a trial with DM_TRIAL_CLICK_COUNT
button clicks if it’s not activated. Change DM_CUSTOM_TRIAL_INTEGRATION
before building the target to use customized dialog window. Feel free to play with delegate methods to check how it works.
Test application that starts activation dialog if an app is not activated. In a case of defining DM_CUSTOM_ACTIVATION_INTEGRATION
macro before building the target there is a registration custom step controller which shows license info and custom dialog window will be used. Feel free to play with delegate methods to check how it works.
Test application that uses special delegate methods of activation controller to setup and runs own embedded store.
Test application that starts activation process using URL scheme. Explore special Info.plist
file and its content for CFBundleURLTypes
key. For testing this feature carefully read comments at the beginning of URLSchemeExample/DMActivationsDelegate.m
Test application with Swift 2 codebase that uses integrated DevMateKit framework.